Joyful living...experiencing joy each and every day.
Regardless of your circumstances and what is going on around you.
Sounds great, right?
You too can find what you may have lost and learn how to embrace each day with a spring in
your step and a song in your heart.
"Jane, beginning my days with gratitude has been a game changer. Thanks so much." - Patricia
What if joyful living isn't a destination?
What if it's a lifestyle?
I’ve taken everything I learned about turning my life from one that was less than, to one that was able to choose joy everyday. I then turned it into a 6-Step Guide for you.
I’m handing over the step-by-step process that I used to get there…to you.
"I had completely lost my joy. Thank you for helping me figure out how to find it again." - Jennie
Joyful Living is a mindset. It is an attitude. It it not the sum total of all the choices that you make. It is a sum total of your reaction to the choices that you, or others make
You can choose to rise above those choices and their consequences and live a life of joy....everyday, or you can choose to dwell on those choices and their consequences and live a life of misery and disappointment. How would you rather live?
Happiness is what happens TO you. Happiness is something that you look for, desire and/or pursue. It is totally based on external factors.
Joy, on the other hand, is a choice that you make. You CHOOSE joy regardless of what happened or did not happen. Joy happens when you can make peace with who you are, what you have, and what you think is lacking or missing.
This is not a Christian course. But God has a lot to say about joy AND God has a lot to say about YOU.
There are 6 main steps that you need to do in order to move in the direction of living a joyful life. Each one has an opportunity for self-reflection and self-analysis. Because in order to live a joyful life you need to let go of the that you have room for the new and 'improved' you.
All of those daily activities that you do can bog you down. In themselves, they will not create joy in you. But, when they are out of control, stressors can set in. And when you are stressed it is difficult to rise above your circumstances and find the joyful life that you crave.
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